Information Fluency Meets Web 2.0

June 27, 2007

Information Fluency Meets Web 2.0 by Joyce Valenza and Ken Rodoff

All I can say is WOW!!!

I want to be a librarian after seeing this presentation. Joyce has so much positive energy and is taking things in a direction I want to go with speed and momentum that I feel tugging me along.

Resources from session, on information fluency

and Great Resources on New Tools

Weave web 2.0 and info lit on funky loom… with threads of the old country…

old threads include the information fluency > information fluency needs to be in the classroom now not just the library…

ISTE NETS S refresh

horizon = social networking and creating content…

starfish and spider, bk re no leader

stone soup metaphor of collaboration
but what about the soldiers??

>Accessing information

We must guide students to good resources, so
>Create pathfinders> use wiki pathfinders >allow all to participate and add to, students and teachers

[look at coopersmith research re what terms in library people understand]

>link to google directory….

>clusty can help with search when you don’t have the vocab

> > check this for resources

etc…….. check links above

A few ideas to capitalize on web 2.0 and online collaboration tools

>students maintain blog in voice of character as you read, maybe teacher take role too..
>have opinion and back it up with ‘evidence’ from text…
>post comments to other characters in voice of your character…
>make avatar for character


>define expectations for blogging early, set norms, define traits of good post and good comment


>Use copyleft and creative commons stuff for student projects, students are continually confused about what it is OK to use and not use…

I now have a personal goal to build an avatar for wikispaces, etc — tektek dream avatar tool?

[check out social networking in NING]

>require citation and use of online databases in projects

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